why is easter so underrated? in a poll of favorite holidays, easter was listed as #7, beating only st. patrick's day, valentines day, and labor day. i get why the bottom three suck: no one who isn't a college student or an alcoholic gives two shits about st.patty's day; all single people hate valentine's day, and the only people who like labor day are married women who use it as an excuse to get their lazy husbands to paint the shutters. but why is easter so low on this list? after much consideration, i have decided that easter is my favorite holiday. (not including my birthday... because what's better than a day when everyone realizes how special and important i actually am?) here's why i think easter is so great:
1. candy.
but wait, cries a naysayer, what about halloween?! yes, there's candy on halloween, but there's also those slutty girls who don't get the concept of a halloween costume. wearing lingerie and bunny ears does not make you a bunny. wearing lingerie and mickey mouse ears does not make you mickey mouse. you know what it does make you? A SKANK. if you want to dress that slutty, just be honest and say that you are dressing as a ho or a prostitute. we all know that's what you really are anyway.
the only person you're fooling with those ears is yourself, hunny.
last time i checked bumblebees don't wear platform heels or fishnets.
2. nobody even pretends easter is really about jesus.
everyone knows that christmas is really about cookies, presents, and decorations. but there are still some people that refuse to accept that. they put up their little nativity scenes and force their children to go to church because "christmas is abo
ut jesus, damnit!" while christians may still be refusing to let go of their grasp on christmas, they've completely given up on easter. no one puts up "resurrection scenes." some people still go to church, but they are a select minority. in my experience, i've been able to make it through 99% of easters without even giving a single thought to jesus - and it's AWESOME. on easter we can relish in our ridiculousness - a bunny that brings eggs! (and bunnies don't even LAY eggs!) on christmas, people fight the secularity and capitalistic overtake
of the holiday, but on easter, we accept it. we give up the fight and instead turn our focus on cadbury eggs - coconut AND peanut butter.
jesus sad :( don't worry, forgiveness is his thing.
3. PEEPS. (they get their own category because they are not merely "candy" - they are little pieces of heaven.)
does this one really need an explanation?
as you can see, easter has all the great stuff about other holidays (food, friends, candy), without all the excess crap (jesus, sluts, etc.). to sum up: EASTER IS THE BEST. respect it, nukka!